Old Man Sunsetting We are fast reaching the end of Autumn and as the days still shine warmly, showing off the reserve in all its growing splendour – YWNA is busily trying to…

Old Man Sunsetting We are fast reaching the end of Autumn and as the days still shine warmly, showing off the reserve in all its growing splendour – YWNA is busily trying to…
Yalukit Willam Nature Reserve bird survey
11 May 2024
‘We started our May survey at 7.45 am with 15 observers. The temperature was a mild 15 C, with an overcast sky and occasional light rain that cleared. The water level of most ponds had risen due to heavy rain over the previous week, but remained low in drained Billabong 2.
Juvenile Nankeen Night-Heron. Photo: Susan Carden. Ten keen bird observers made an exceptionally early start at 6.57 am. The weather was warm (19° C) and humid, with an overcast sky and slight breeze—a…
You can download the report here
YWNA has formed a close working relationship with the land manager Bayside City Council. A year ago we signed a two year agreement to establish our working methodology and ensure that we can…
Photo: Susan Carden-Young Tawny Frogmouth Yalukit Willam Nature Reserve bird survey 9 November 2024 Fifteen observers made an early start, at 7 am, on a cool, fine morning with a slight breeze. The…
Female Australian Wood Duck with young. Photo: Danny Fog. Yalukit Willam Nature Reserve bird survey 12 October 2024 Thank you Sue for another wonderful Bird Report! And welcome Hayley our new Bird Survey…
As Sue says in her always engaging reports about the recent Spring Bird Survey – ‘ It was ‘good weather for ducks’, as the saying goes, but not for the rest of us!’ The…
When 16 enthusiastic bird observers met at 7.45 am the air temperature was 10 C and the sky was cloudy.
YWNA’s latest update can be found here. This will bring you up to date with our latest activities and ways to get involved. Photo: Natalie Davey– N’arwee’t Carolyn Briggs working with Ally Souter…
Photo: great shot of a Great Egret: Danny Fog Yalukit Willam Nature Reserve bird survey 13 April 2024 ‘Our April survey started at 7.15 am, drawing 10 observers. It was a fine, calm…