Volunteering with the Yalukit Willam Nature Association
There are so many ways to get involved with this exciting and innovative regeneration project.
Volunteering is a great way to meaningfully contribute to the Reserve, while building local community and having fun.
The details on our different volunteer activities and how to join are outlined below. Many of our volunteering activities require sign up through YWNA membership. The minimal fees help us to run our varied activities.
Working Bees

Are you curious about what’s happening in the reserve? Do you want to get your hands dirty and help create new habitats for wildlife? Come and join us in the Nature Reserve for a range of activities. The working bees are a fantastic way to be introduced to the roles you can play to help the reserve and get to know your local community.
No registration required!
Litter Clean-Up

Join our monthly litter clean-up! Litter collection is an important part of keeping our neighbourhood clean and local environment healthy. YWNA is partnered with Love Our Street to deliver this volunteering opportunity. Litter clean-ups are held on the first Sunday of every month at 10:30am, meet at the epa shed, which is situated off Glenhuntly Rd, opposite the Chain of Ponds.
Bring sturdy shoes, gardening gloves and reusable bags for litter.
No registration required beforehand, just turn up!
Plant Lab

Plant Lab is YWNA’s very own propagation centre. Plant Lab has regular volunteer sessions, which include activities such as seed collection, propagation, weeding, and planting. Volunteering with the Plant Lab is a great way to learn about local indigenous plants, and plant propagation more generally.
To volunteer with Plant Lab you need to be a YWNA member. If you are interested in joining the Plant Lab crew pop by and say hello on a Wednesday afternoon after 2:30pm or email the Plant Lab coordinator at epaplantlabcoordinator@gmail.com
Find out more here!
Bird Surveys

Come along to our monthly bird surveys to learn about local bird life and help collect useful data. Generally these are held on the second Saturdays, after sunrise 7.30 am, though this changes in the Winter months.
Wear sturdy shoes and bring binoculars/cameras if you have them.
Keep an eye on our events page and the YWNA facebook group for updates.
Fly By Night Surveys

Bring torches (red light preferred), cameras and sturdy shoes.
Keep an eye on our events page and YWNA’s Facebook group for upcoming dates.
YWNA Waterwatch

Waterwatch for Elster Creek is now being coordinated through YWNA. We run a monthly event on the last Sunday of each month. One of the aims of the reserve is to help improve water quality flowing into Port Phillip Bay (Nairm). The only way to understand what is happening in our local waterway is to collect water quality and macro invertebrate data. We are the first group to add underwater sound files to the data we collect. You can come along by joining the epa and turning up to get signed in and inducted during one of our events.