epa has joined the Great Southern Bioblitz.
The epa has set up a project area covering all of Bayside and we are encouraging everyone in this area to take part. The Bltiz is on this weekend!
We are running two events coinciding with the blitz and calling our contribution Night and Day Yalukit Willam Reserve Blitz. We have our Fly by Night event this Saturday evening and the following morning we are running Waterwatch, looking for waterbugs. Of course, we are hoping the weather doesn’t impede our projects!
If you make an observation over this time in the reserve, please use iNaturalist which will add your observation into our already rich data field in the app. If you add an observation outside the Reserve, but still in Bayside- your sharp-eyed contribution will help give an overall picture of the biodiversity in Bayside itself. Every recording you make through iNaturalist of biodiversity in your backyard will be added to Australia’s biodiversity database, the Atlas of Living Australia, helping scientists’ researchers, and decision-makers look after our natural world.