Yalukit Willam Nature Reserve bird survey 10 September 2022 With our usual leaders and organisers—Tania, Bob and Alyson—travelling overseas and interstate, it fell to the intrepid Stephen Machet to take over Tania’s role…
N’arwee’t Dr Carolyn Briggs AM holding a seedling from the Ngargee Tree and Shane Atkinson, who performed the smoking ceremony. On the 6th of August, 2022, the little Golf Course that has transformed…
Featured photo- Pacific Black ducklings- Danny Fog A huge thanks to the Bird Survey team for their monthly work – the detailed report for August is embedded below from last Saturday’s survey. The…
Yalukit Willam Nature Association has an overview of our recent activities in the Winter Banksia magazine along with news from many other wonderful Bayside volunteer groups. Check out our article on Page 12.
Sharing some very good news- the Chain of Ponds will be opening up, starting this coming Thursday 23rd June, 2022. Bayside council will be moving the fences back to allow us to visit…
On a chilly Winter’s afternoon, the epa hosted the Ecocentre’s gathering of teachers from the Teacher’s Environment Network (TEN) in the Nature Reserve. Nearly 40 teachers, passionate about bringing the environment and hopefully…
Critter chatter It was still dark as I headed to Elster Creek to take part in Reveil 24+1 Hour Broadcast 2022 on the first morning of May. Reveil travels West on live audio feeds…
The Yalukit Willam Nature Association is excited to announce the launch of our new digital home! We’ve created an easy to use website with all the information you need about our volunteer activities within…
Janet Bolitho wrote a terrific summation of the Noisy Miner workshop organised by Rob Youl and supported by the Yalukit Willam Nature Association. You can pick up a lot of the points shared in…