Sharing some very good news- the Chain of Ponds will be opening up, starting this coming Thursday 23rd June, 2022. Bayside council will be moving the fences back to allow us to visit the main pond areas. Some areas, like the wildflower meadow and the meeting place are still being completed, so will remain closed for a little longer. The epa will be, over the coming months, sharing some insights into the amazing array of local indigenous plants that make up the reserve, some of which have been locally extinct for a long time. Each plant has been carefully chosen for its ability to create a biodiverse habitat and for its Indigenous traditional values. Keep your eye out for residents big and small and you may be the first to observe a new creature attracted by a potential home in this unique urban setting. Don’t forget that if you do see anything, you can add it to the citizen science project Elsternwick Park and Elwood Canal Biodiversity on iNaturalist. Please stay to the paths as the plantings are just becoming established and we can create a respectful space for the resident animals. It goes without saying , but I am saying it- all dogs on lead– no matter how well behaved. If you do see dogs off lead- please report to Bayside council. Having said all that – just enjoy this special place that is beginning to thrive. Of course it is still a space in early stages of development – the nets need to be there for a lot longer as we have a number of birds who are expert at ripping out their favourite plants. It will be amazing to see the plants take off as the warmer weather approaches again. Happy Winter Solstice everyone.